Individual Portrait

A camera can often see things that the human eye can't. Something you would never notice looking at yourself in the mirror. And that is what I LOVE about photography. 

A personal photo session is not just a series of pretty pictures of you in that new dress or in that stunning location. 

First and foremost, it's a beautiful visual representation of you at this stage of your life, in this precious moment right now.

Depending on where you are, the session often becomes therapeutic, empowering, meaningful in many ways - even for both of us.  This is because of the connection that emerges between me and you. 

We reflect each other. I hear you. I support and guide you. 

I'm looking for that depth, for your unique being - your soul underneath that beautiful dress or those torn jeans. 

I want to capture the real, authentic you, the true beauty.

I am ready to help you see how beautiful you are, how stunning you look from the side.

We never see ourselves like this and we often do not accept ourselves like this, do we?

I will show you how stunning your body is.

Your images will gently remind you to love yourself better, to take good care of this fragile but so strong human whose inner strength shines through your eyes.

But don't worry, I'll also give you ideas for posing and moving and will be looking for your best angles. "

Just being you doesn't mean you're all alone and without support. 

I'll be there, I promise!



“These pics are amazing!! The black and white one... It's the best picture anybody ever took of me ♥
Just, wow!”

Featured in magazines


June 2023


JUNE (Vol 455)

L'attirance magazine, march 2024

the hunter

march 2024

Swanky Mag Men's edition

March 2024


april 2024

How would you feel if you saw your pictures on the cover of a glossy magazine? I can tell you from personal experience: It's an incredible feeling! So, are you next?!

FAQ Individual Session

How much in advance do I need to book the session?

As much in advance as possible to ensure the best possible date for your session. However there're always free spots here and there so do not hesitate to drop me a message with just a few days notice!
I'm a mom, as you probably noticed already, and at least some preplanning is mush have :)

How long does a session take?

Mini session takes up to 30 minutes. This is a nice option if you're confident enough in being in front of the camera and need only few nice shots.

Usually, individual photoshoot takes one to one and half hours. Strictly one hour in the studio.

I highly recommend to take your time before and after the session. Slow down a bit, maybe take yourself for a "date". You may like to visit your favourite cafe after the photoshoot.. or maybe go to a movie? Whatever makes you happy <3 It's your day.

How do I prepare for the session?

The best thing you can do is surrender control. Allow yourself to play, be whimsical, explore various moods, and feel a range of emotions. Consider it a personal date, where I'll delicately guide and support you in the empowering journey of self-discovery. Everything is fine, you're safe, beautiful and valuable just the way you are.

Can you help me to choose outfits?

Sure! I know what works best in pictures and will send a guide for you to get the better idea of "go-to" and "no-way" looks. You can also send me your options so we can choose one or two outfits together for the best result!

I don't know how to pose

Nobody knows! Rare of us is a professional model :) But for sure everyone - more or less - feels awkward in front of the camera (even me, although I know what to do!).

Prepare to move a lot, walk, maybe run. I'll throw you ideas and suggestions but will never force you to do something you don't like or can't do. I will guide you gently and watch for the best angles. So all you will need to do - to be yourself and enjoy the session!

What if it rains??

If not shooting in a studio, we can always hide somewhere OR... dance in the rain, remember? ;)

Other photo idea in mind? Check these out!